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#2548 Core Distributed Application Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Академия -> Курсы -> .NET технологии ->#2548 Core Distributed Application Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Описание курса

Записаться на курс
Продолжительность: 3 дн.
Стоимость: 16 000 р.


Be able to manage a solution environment using the Visual Studio 2005 Integrated development environment (IDE) and tools • Understand the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and the Common Language Runtime • Be able to program an application by using a .NET Framework 2.0-compliant language • Know how to make assemblies available to other applications • Have a basic understanding of XML including XML declaration, elements, attributes, and namespaces • Have a basic understanding of application domains • Have a basic understanding of delegates and events • Have a basic understanding of threads

Цель курса

This three-day instructor-led workshop provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop distributed applications by using the Microsoft( .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio( 2005. The workshop focuses on building distributed applications by using Web services, remoting, Microsoft Message Queuing, and serviced components.

Материалы по курсу

Слушателям выдаются учебные материалы, авторизованные Microsoft.

По окончании курса слушатели получают сертификат компании Microsoft международного образца.

Дополнительная информация

This workshop is intended for corporate and Independent software vendor application developers who have a desire to learn more about specific technology areas in distributed application development.

Программа курса

Unit 1: Building and Consuming a Simple XML Web Service

Technical Context of Web Services

Components of Web Service Technology

Unit 2: Configuring and Customizing a Web Service

XML Serialization

How to Use Complex Data Types in Web Services

How to Use Attributes to Control Serialization

How to Use Service Configuration Attributes

Configuration Files

Unit 3: Calling Web Methods Asynchronously

The Need for Asynchronous Calls

Options for Making Asynchronous Calls

One-Way Methods

Unit 4: Building a Remoting Client and Server

Technical Context of Remoting

Remoting Servers and Clients

Important Components of Remoting

Unit 5: Creating and Serializing Remotable Types

Marshal by Value

Marshal by Reference

Version Compatibility for Remotable Types

Generic Classes

Unit 6: Performing Remoting Operations Asynchronously

Asynchronous Methods

Calling Remote Methods Asynchronously

Using Events in Remoting Applications

Unit 7: Managing the Lifetime of Remote Objects

Life Cycle of Remote Objects

Lifetime Sponsors

Leases and Exception Handling

Lease Properties

Creating a Message Queue and Sending a Message

Unit 8: Sending and Receiving Messages by Using Message Queuing

Understanding Message Queuing

Creating a Message Queue and Sending a Message

Receiving a Message and Posting a Response

Using IIS with Message Queuing

Unit 9: Creating and Consuming Serviced Components

COM+ Services

Implementing a Serviced Component

Registering a Serviced Component

Instantiating a Serviced Component

Академия -> Курсы -> .NET технологии ->#2548 Core Distributed Application Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

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