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#10265 Developing Data Access Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Академия -> Курсы -> .NET технологии ->#10265 Developing Data Access Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Описание курса

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Продолжительность: 5 дн.
Стоимость: 30000 р


Before attending this course, students must have:
1. An understanding of the problem-solving techniques that apply to software development, including the following principles of software development.
Modern software development models
Typical phases of a software development lifecycle
Concepts of event-driven programming
Concepts of object-oriented programming
Creating use-case diagrams
Designing and building a user interface
Developing a structured application
2. A basic understanding of the following scripting techniques and some hands-on experience writing scripts
Web scripting techniques
Macro scripting techniques
Windows scripting techniques
3. A general understanding of the purpose, function, and features of following .NET Framework topics
Common Language Runtime
.NET Framework class library
Common Type System
Component interoperation
Cross-language interoperability
Assemblies in the Common Language Runtime
Application domains
Runtime hosts supported by the .NET Framework
4. Experience using Visual Studio 2008 in the following task areas
Declaring and initializing typed variables using the Camel case naming convention
Using arithmetic, relational, and logical operators in code statements
Using branching statements to control code execution
Using looping statements to iterate throughcollections or repeat steps until a specified condition is met
Creating classes and methods to establish the basic structure of an application
Using methods and events to implement the programming logic of an application
Identifying syntax and logic errors
Accessing and managing data from a data source
5. Experience in object oriented design and development as follows
Declaring and initializing typed variables using the Camel case naming convention
Using arithmetic, relational, and logical operators in code statements
Using branching statements to control code execution
Using looping statements to iterate through collections or repeat steps until a specified condition is met
Creating classes and methods to establish the basic structure of an application
Using methods and events to implement the programming logic of an application
Identifying syntax and logic errors
Accessing and managing data from a data source
6. Experience in N-Tier application design and development as follow
Managing a software development process
Controlling input at the user interface level in Windows client and Web applications
Debugging, tracing, and profiling .NET applications
Monitoring and logging .NET applications
Implementing basic testing best practices
Performing basic data access tasks with LINQ
(Basics of LINQ to XML, Basics of LINQ to Entities, Basics of LINQ to SQL)
Implementing basic security best practices in .NET
(Basics of Code Access Security, Basics of Role-Based Security, Basics of Cryptography Services)
Implementing basic service calls
(Basics of creating and consuming XML Web Services, Basics of creating and consuming WCF Services)
Using .NET Configuration Files
Deploying .NET Framework Applications using ClickOnce and the MS Inst
7. Data access experience in Windows client application development as follows
Connect to a data source
Implement data binding
Implement data validation at the UI layer
8.Data access experience in Web application development as follows:
Connect to a data source
Implement dynamic data
Implement data validation at the UI layer

Цель курса

In this course, experienced developers who know the basics of data access (CRUD) in Windows client and Web application environments will learn to optimize their designs and develop better performing data access code by using the ADO.NET Entity Framework, LINQ, WCF Data Services, the Sync Framework, and ADO.NET.

Программа курса

Module 1. Architecture and Data Access Technologies

This module describes the commonly used data access technologies and scenarios in which you are likely to use them.

Module 2. Building Entity Data Models

This module introduces the concepts of data modeling, and in particular, Entity Data Models (EDMs). It explains how you can use EDMs to decouple the conceptual data structure in your applications from the logical data structure in the data store.

Module 3. Querying Entity Data

This module explains how to query an entity data model by using common methods such as LINQ to Entities, Entity SQL, and the classes in the EntityClient namespace.

Module 4. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Entity

DataThis module introduces you to the ways that the Entity Framework enables you to modify the data in your database. You apply changes to the entities managed by the ObjectContext class. The ObjectContext class is responsible for tracking all changes to entities and then persisting these changes to the database on request.

Module 5. Handling Multi-User Scenarios by Using Object Services

This module introduces the concurrency model that the Entity Framework uses to address the issues faced by applications that must support multiple users who access the same data simultaneously. It also describes how the Entity Framework can make use of transactions to ensure data integrity.

Module 6. Building Optimized Solutions by Using Object Services

This module explains best practices for designing and building a scalable, optimized data access layer by using Object Services. The module introduces several techniques that can be used to optimize the performance of queries that execute against the conceptual model.

Module 7. Customizing Entities and Building Custom Entity Classes

This module describes how to customize and extend entities with your own business logic.

Module 8. Using POCO Classes with the Entity Framework

This module introduces the ways in which you can define custom entity classes in your Entity Framework application. By default, Microsoft Visual Studio generates a set of entity classes for you from the Entity Data Model (EDM). Instead of these generated classes, you may want to use an existing set of "plain old" CLR objects (POCO) business classes in your application You can also extend the generated entity classes to add custom business functionality to your entity objects.

Module 9. Building an N-Tier Solution by Using the Entity Framework

This module explains how to address the architectural issues that can arise when building an N-Tier enterprise application by using the Entity Framework.

Module 10. Handling Updates in an N-Tier Solution by Using the Entity Framework

This module describes how you can handle data modifications in an n-tier solution. The module describes the different strategies for handling modifications that you should use for the different alternative formats for transporting data between tiers: data transfer objects (DTOs), self-tracking entities (STEs), and simple entities (SEs). The module also describes how to manage the exceptions that can occur during the data modification process.

Module 11. Building Occasionally Connected Solutions

This module describes how to access offline or occasionally connected data in client applications.

Module 12. Querying Data by Using WCF Data Services

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Data Services enable you to create highly flexible data services that can be used to provide access to data across the Internet or a corporate network. You can access these services by using REST-style URIs, and they can be easily consumed by a wide variety of applications. As WCF Data Services are build on top of standard Internet protocols such as HTTP and the Atom Publishing Protocol, they are an ideal choice for delivering data to AJAX applications and Rich Interactive Applications built using technologies such as Microsoft Silverlight.

Module 13. Updating Data by Using WCF Data Services

This module describes how to use WCF Data Services to create, update, and delete data. WCF Data Services use standard internet protocols such as HTTP and the Atom Publishing Protocol to enable update access to data across the Internet or a corporate network.

Module 14. Using ADO.NET

ADO.NET is a highly flexible framework for building applications that require access to data held in a data source. This module introduces ADO.NET and explains how you can use it to develop scalable, high-performance, data-driven applications.

Module 15. Using LINQ to SQL

ADO.NET provides a mechanism that enables you to build applications that can query and maintain data that is held in a variety of sources in a database-agnostic manner. However, building applications by using ADO.NET requires that you are familiar with the Structured Query Language (SQL) language and features of the database management system that you are connecting to. Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) to SQL provides a higher-level abstraction for managing data that is held in a Microsoft SQL Server database, and is an ideal stepping stone for migrating ADO.NET applications toward the ADO.NET Entity Framework. This module introduces LINQ to SQL and explains how you can use it to abstract the low-level details of ADO.NET queries by developing against a logical data model.

Академия -> Курсы -> .NET технологии ->#10265 Developing Data Access Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

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