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#20485A Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C#

Академия -> Курсы -> Visual Studio 2012 ->#20485A Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C#

Описание курса

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Продолжительность: 5 дн.
Стоимость: 30 000 р

Назначение курса

This course is intended for professional developers who have 1 or more years of experience creating applications for a production environment and who are comfortable programming in C# and XAML to create Windows 8 apps.

Цель курса

In this course the students will learn the more advanced programming skills and techniques that they can use to optimize their Windows Store app and differentiate their app from other apps in the Windows Store. These advanced skills and techniques include a combination of both design and development skills. The students will also learn about supporting the apps that they have published to the Windows Store.

Программа курса

Module 1: Windows Store Apps Essentials

•Review Windows 8 App Essentials - Presentation
•Review Windows 8 App Essentials - Under the Hood

Module 2: Implementing Animations and Transitions

•Using Animation
•Working with Transitions and Transformations

Module 3: Implementing Globalization and Localization

•Working with Resource Files
•Implementing Culture-Specific Formatting

Module 4: Branding and a Seamless User Interface

•Customizing the Splash Screen
•Differentiate your app with branding

Module 5: Advanced Data Scenarios in a Windows Store App

•Windows Store App Storage Options
•Implementing Data Caching
•Advanced File Functionality

Module 6: Creating Reusable Controls and Components

•Creating Custom Controls
•Extending Existing Controls
•Creating and Consuming WinMD Components

Module 7: Implementing Advanced Contract Scenarios

•The Print Contract
•The Play To Contract

Module 8: The Windows Push Notification Service (WNS)

•The Push Notification Service (WNS)
•Communicating with the Push Notification Service (WNS)

Module 9: Capturing Media

•Using CameraCaptureUI to Capture Pictures, Videos or Audio
•Using MediaCapture to Capture Pictures, Video, or Audio

Module 10: Background Tasks

•Creating Background Tasks
•Consuming Background Tasks in a Windows Store App

Module 11: Working with Sensors and Devices

•Working with Sensors
•Working with Devices

Module 12: Generating Revenue with your App

•Implementing Trial Functionality in a Windows Store App
•Implement In-App Purchases
•Advertising in a Windows Store App

Module 13: Securing Windows Store App Data

•Managing Windows Authentication
•Managing Web Authentication
•Encryption in Windows Store Apps

Module 14: Tracing and Profiling Windows Store Apps

•Tracing a Windows Store App
•Profiling a Windows Store App

Академия -> Курсы -> Visual Studio 2012 ->#20485A Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C#

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