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#40025A First Look Clinic: Introduction to Windows 8 Development - C#

Академия -> Курсы -> .NET технологии ->#40025A First Look Clinic: Introduction to Windows 8 Development - C#

Описание курса

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Продолжительность: 1 дн.
Стоимость: 3000 р

Назначение курса

This course is intended for professional developers that come from the .NET client side world and have familiarity with C# and XAML. Developers should have 1-2 years of experience in their field.

Цель курса

This three hour First Look Clinic (FLC), will introduce developers to the tools and techniques for creating Window 8 (Metro) applications using C#/XAML. It will outline The Windows 8 platform, Metro-Style guidelines, Windows 8 contracts, tiles and notifications, and the Windows store.

Программа курса

Module 1: Introduction to Windows 8 Platform

This module explains about the platform design tenets, the programming language choices, and the integration points with the operating system and across Metro style apps.
•Introduction to Windows 8 Operation System.
•Windows 8 Platform

Module 2: Working with Metro-Style Guidelines

This module explains the design principles behind Metro and get insights into how to apply these principles in your own applications.
•Metro Style Design Guidelines

Module 3: Developing Metro Style Apps with C#/XAML

This module explains how to use .NET skills to build Windows 8 Metro style applications.
•Developing a Metro Style app Using C#/XAML

Module 4: Integrating with Windows 8 experiences with Contracts

This module explains how contracts work and how to implement the built-in contracts such as Search, Share, Settings, and Play To, that allow to integrate Windows 8 features into apps.
•Windows 8 Contracts
•Implementing the Share and Search Contracts

Module 5: Implementing Tiles and Notifications

This module explains how to implement Tiles and Notifications and how to create tiles that let users personalize their Start screen by creating deep links to specific places within your app.
•Using Tiles in Windows 8 Metro Style apps
•Using Notifications in Metro Style apps

Module 6: Deploying to the Windows Store

This module explains the many different ways to monetize your application, including subscriptions, trial apps, advertisement, and in-app purchases.
•The Microsoft Store
•Monetizing Using the Microsoft Store

Академия -> Курсы -> .NET технологии ->#40025A First Look Clinic: Introduction to Windows 8 Development - C#

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