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#55050A SharePoint 2013 End User Level I

Академия -> Курсы -> Технологии Microsoft SharePoint ->#55050A SharePoint 2013 End User Level I

Описание курса

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Продолжительность: 3 дн.
Стоимость: 16 000 р.

Назначение курса

This 3-day Instructor Led course Explores all the basic end user features of SharePoint 2013 including all basic lists and sites (aka "Apps"). Learn to assign basic and advanced permissions. Explore the new project and community sites as well as how to work with the new social features of My Sites. Building and sending search queries is also covered.

Программа курса

Module 1: Overview

A simple introduction module.

Module 2: SharePoint Introduction

What is SharePoint?
Why SharePoint?
What’s New in SharePoint 2013
Driving End User Adoption

Module 3: Collaboration Experience

Site Structure
Basic SharePoint Features
New SharePoint Features

Module 4: Lists

List Views
SharePoint 2013 Features

Module 5: List Management

Basic List Management
Advanced List Management

Module 6: Permissions

SharePoint Permissions

Module 7: Foundation Site Definitions

Create Sub Sites (Team Site)
Create/Use a Blog Site
Create/Use a Wiki Site
Delete a Site
Restore a Site

Module 8: Office Integration

Web Applications
Office Integration

Module 9: My Site

My Site
What Is Social Computing

Module 10: Search

Performing Queries

Академия -> Курсы -> Технологии Microsoft SharePoint ->#55050A SharePoint 2013 End User Level I

Компьютерная Академия СофтДжойс
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